Welcome to Tal Systems, Inc.
Located in Racine
Wisconsin, Tal Systems Inc. is a computer software design and consulting firm
specializing in data management applications for the manufacturing,
distribution and healthcare industries, with special emphasis and expertise
in all facets of ANSI and EDIFACT Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
The guiding principles of Tal Systems' consulting services are insuring that
development serves the business goals of the client and to make the client
self-sufficient for maintenance purposes.
Tal Systems develops, markets and supports package software products such as the Provider Payment Partner System, the TsExitSuite and TSFA997 Acknowledgment processing software featured on this page; tools for the ANSI EDI professional such as the EDI Pal™ ANSI EDI Viewer-Editor-Printer; and the TsExitSuite plug-in for Mercator/DataStage TX developers.
Tal Systems Inc. also provides end-user and technical education to bridge the
gap between technical professionals—systems and applications developers—and
"real users" such as sales/marketing, customer service, supply
chain and healthcare professionals.
Examples of Services may be found on the Services
page; The "Tech Corner"
includes downloadable software, source code and articles for the professional
or amateur software developer; from time to time this page may include
material of general interest.
If you need more information, wish to request a demonstration or need assistance operating any of the software available for download, the Contact Us page contains multiple ways to reach us.
Thank you for visiting Tal Systems Inc.


Simplified Reporting for the ANSI '997' Functional Acknowledgment and TA1 Interchange Acknowledgment
Tal Systems' TSFA977
software with WYSIWYG print preview provides users the simplest method yet to read and understand ANSI interchange, functional group and transaction set acknowledgments.
more info / download

Tal Systems, Inc. is the
exclusive source for the Provider Payment Partner™ System, Windows® desktop software for providers, durable medical equipment
vendors, laboratories and other health care organizations which receive
payment directly from third-party payers such as insurance companies, HMOs
and government programs.
The PPPS Provider Edition is a standalone system which maps payers'
Electronic Remittance Advice files from the ANSI '835 Health Care Remittance'
format into a database or creates delimited files. From the database, the
PPPS provides a series of on-screen inquiries and printed reports. The PPPS
supports the current HIPAA-mandated X091A1 ANSI ERA format.
For complete information about the PPPS, visit the PPPS web site.

Add User Interaction to Mercator® and DataStage TX Maps with the TSExitSuite
Tal Systems' TsExitSuite allows map developers to include run-time
user prompting for data values or file names; development tool allows
development of map rules outside the Map Designer IDE.
more info / download
